As a small software company, we rely on an e-commerce provider called FastSpring to process payments. This allows us to sell around the world while focusing our efforts on improving the software. FastSpring automatically generates invoices for each InqScribe order based on the information you enter.  For security purposes, they do not list your credit card number on the receipt.

However, if you need a receipt with the last four digits of your credit card for reimbursement purposes, you can request that the number be added to your receipt.   FastSpring can usually add it to the company or address field to show it on the invoice.

Here's how you can request it:

  1. Go to
  2. Select "Billing Information" as your Topic.
  3. Select "Invoice Update" as your Category.
  4. Under description, enter something like: 
    Please add the last 4 digits of my credit card to my invoice.
  5. Fill out the rest of the form.  Make sure you enter the "Order ID" from your original invoice.

FastSpring will send you a revised invoice.