This error can mean a few things:
1. QuickTime for Windows was not installed properly, or became corrupted.
2. InqScribe for Windows was not installed properly, or became corrupted.
Before proceeding, we want to note that, due to security risks, we no longer recommend QuickTime for Windows users (more on this subject here).
1. You can try uninstalling and re-installing InqScribe. You can uninstall InqScribe using the uninstaller that came with the software. Here are the recommended steps:
- Quit any open instances of InqScribe.
- Restart your computer.
- Locate the InqScribe uninstaller on your computer. You can find it here: C:\Program Files (x86)\InqScribe\unins000.
- Launch "unins000" and follow the steps to remove InqScribe.
After you've run the uninstaller, grab a fresh copy of InqScribe from our website: Download and run the installer. You should now be able to launch InqScribe and play media without the DLL error.
2. If that doesn't work, try uninstalling and re-installing QuickTime. Here are the steps:
- Close all open applications.
- Restart your computer.
- Go to: Select Start / Settings / Control Panel and Programs Add / Remove
- Uninstall QuickTime
- Uninstall Apple application support
- Restart your computer
- Download a fresh version of QuickTime:
- Run the installer.
Next time you fire up InqScribe, you shouldn’t see the QTCF.dll error.
3. If that doesn’t work, you can try manually replacing the .dll file.
- Search your system for the file QTCF.dll (make sure your search includes hidden and system files). It will be located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem or C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem.
- Then copy that file into C:\windows\system32 and restart your computer.
- If you cannot find that file on your system, you can download it in several places by googling “QTCF.dll download”.
4. If none of the above address your issue...
The missing QTCF.dll file is the most common .dll file that we are aware of. It is possible that other corrupted .dll files, related to other applications, could impact InqScribe.
If you are encountering a different .dll error, you will need to do further research to determine the identity of the application that installed the troublesome .dll file in the first place. Doing a search on Microsoft’s user forum can help identify the application(s) related to the missing/corrupted .dll. Once you've identified the application, uninstalling/reinstalling that application should solve the problem.