
Why are old transcripts opening when I launch InqScribe?
InqScribe provides an auto-recovery feature that retrieves files that were "auto-saved" prior to a crash or forced quit. Older versions of InqScr...
Fri, 17 Dec, 2021 at 2:00 PM
Why can't I adjust my timecode?
InqScribe version 2.1.1 introduced a new timecode entry field that makes it easier to enter timecodes.  If you are having difficulty entering timecode adjus...
Fri, 17 Dec, 2021 at 2:01 PM
Why is the timecode frame rate in InqScribe's transcript different from the frame rate of my video?
The frame rate of your media file and the transcript’s timecode frame rate generally have no relationship to each other. The exception to this is if your mo...
Fri, 4 Feb, 2022 at 4:26 PM
Why doesn't my InqScribe file retain the file path for my media when I change computers?
Inqscribe can locate a media file on different volumes only if the complete path name (the bit after the volume name) is exactly the same. So if the Windows...
Fri, 17 Dec, 2021 at 2:03 PM
How do I transcribe in a language other than English?
InqScribe is fully Unicode compliant, meaning you can type in just about any language. Follow the steps below to get started in your language of choice: F...
Tue, 11 Jul, 2023 at 8:16 AM
How do I share my InqScribe transcript?
Transcribing is often a collaborative process, which is why we've tried to make sharing InqScribe projects as easy as possible. This article will detail...
Fri, 4 Feb, 2022 at 4:28 PM
[2.5 Beta] How do I use macOS Dictation with InqScribe?
This article is specific to the InqScribe 2.5 beta for macOS. If you're not running this version of InqScribe, please disregard. The InqScribe 2.5 ...
Fri, 17 Dec, 2021 at 2:13 PM
[2.5 Beta] Why doesn't "Select All" actually select all text?
This article is specific to the InqScribe 2.5 beta for macOS. If you're not running this version of InqScribe, please disregard.  There is a known is...
Fri, 21 Jan, 2022 at 4:27 PM